Friday, June 15, 2012

Prophet mohammad (SalallahuAlaihiWaSallam's) sunnah

Sunnahs about EATING :
Wash both hands before EATING.
Before EATING spread out a cloth on the floor first.
Remove the shoes before EATING.
Sit on the floor and EAT.
Recite "Bismillah wa`la Barakatillah" aloud.
EAT with the right hand.
EAT with three fingers if possible.
One should not EAT very hot food/do not BLOW on food.
EAT from the side which is front of you.
If a morsel of food falls down pick it up, clean it and EAT it.
Do not lean while EATING.
Do not find fault with the food.
Either sit on both knees on the ground or one knee raised or both knees raised while EATING.
After EATING one should lick his fingers.
Recite DUA after EATING.
First remove the food then get up.
Clean the plate and other utensils thoroughly after EATING.
By doing this the utensils make DUA for one` s forgiveness.
After meals wash both the hands, thereafter gargle the mouth.
While EATING shouldn`t remain completely silent.
Sunnahs about DRINKING:
A Muslim should DRINK with right hand because SHAITAN (satan) drinks with left hand.
Sit and DRINK.
Recite "Bismillah" before DRINKING and say "Alhamdulillah" after DRINKING.
DRINK in three breaths and remove utensil from mouth after each sip.
Do not DRINK directly from the jug or bottle one should pour the content into the glass first and have a look at water and then DRINK.
Sunnahs about SLEEPING:
Pertaining to DEEN before going to sleep discuss matters of family members or (read some Islamic books or narrate some incidents of sahabah).
To sleep in the state of WUZU (Ablution).
To make the bed yourself.
Dust the bed thrice before retiring to bed.
One should change some other clothes before going to sleep. (Ex:-Pyjamas, etc).
To brush the teeth with a meswak.
To apply surmah in both the eyes.
One should sleep immediately after ISHA salaah.
To sleep on the right hand side keeping right palm under the right cheek.
To keep the knees slightly bent when sleeping.
To refrain from sleeping on one`s stomach.
Sleeping both on bed and floor are sunnah.
To face Qiblah.
To recite Surah Mulk before sleeping.
To recite Aayat-Al-kursi.
To recite Surah Iqlaas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas three times before sleeping thereafter blowing over the entire body thrice.
Recite Tasbeeh-e-Fatima before sleeping i.e 33 X Subhan`Allah, 33X Alhamdulillah and 34 X Allahu`Akber.
To recite the DUA before sleeping.
To wake up for Tahajjud salaah.
On AWAKENING rub face and eyes with the palms of hands in order to remove the effects of sleep.
When the eyes open in the morning say "Alhamdulillah" thrice and then recite Kalimah-e-Tayyibah.
Thereafter recite DUA on AWAKENING.
On AWAKENING cleanse the mouth with a meswak.
Sunnahs when wearing CLOTHES:
RasoolAllah (SalallahuAlaihiWaSallam) loved white clothing.
When putting on any garment RasoolAllah(SalallahuAlaihiWaSallam) always began with the right limb.
When removing any garment RasoolAllah(SalallahuAlaihiWaSallam) always removed the left limb first.
Males must wear the clothes above the ankles and females must ensure that their lower garments cover their ankles.
Males should wear a topi or turban and females must wear scarves at all times.
When wearing shoes first wear the right shoe then left and while removing first remove left and then right

More about Islam.

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